It’s Your Wellbeing – 2nd Edition fully covers the 2024 SC SPHE specification
Written by the best-selling authors of the original It’s Your Wellbeing, the aim of this Second Edition is to equip Senior Cycle students with the competencies to survive and thrive as they become young adults and enter the adult world.
Following the structure of the NCCA’s specification, the textbook is divided into 3 strands:
1. Health and Wellbeing
2. Relationships and Sexuality
3. Into Adulthood
This textbook encompasses the three pillars of Universal Design for Learning (UDL):
It’s Your Wellbeing – 2nd Edition Student Portfolio gives students a place to record and tease out their reflections on their SPHE learning throughout Senior Cycle. Filled with guidelines, prompts and ideas about how to ‘dig deeper’ into their SPHE learning, this book can also be used to record Key Assignments.