It’s Your Wellbeing 2nd Edition

It’s Your Wellbeing – 2nd Edition fully covers the 2024 SC SPHE specification

Its aim is to equip Senior Cycle students with the competencies to survive  and thrive as they become young adults and enter the adult world.

Following the structure of the NCCA’s specification, the textbook is divided into 3 strands:

1. Health and Wellbeing

2. Relationships and Sexuality

3. Into Adulthood

  • Up-to-date information on legislation and support agencies is provided throughout.
  • Clear language is a foundation stone of the textbook in order to accommodate mixed ability classrooms and present concepts using simple but accurate language.
  • Key Assignments from the official NCCA list appear at the end of relevant chapters as a gentle prompt to students. The Key Assignments are the required assessment for SC SPHE.
  • Engaging activities are interspersed throughout chapters to keep students actively learning either as individuals, partners or groups.


It’s Your Wellbeing – 2nd Edition Portfolio Book gives students a place to record and tease out their reflections on their SPHE learning throughout Senior Cycle. Filled with guidelines, prompts and ideas about how to ‘dig deeper’ into their SPHE learning, this write-in book can also be used to record Key Assignments. Please include small image of portfolio cover.